Stem cell transplantation Seffihair

Seffiller (stem cell transplantation) is a regenerative procedure for hair loss prevention and treatment, where the stem cells in fat cells are utilised.

What is the cause of hair thinning?

Hair thinning often has multiple factors, including stress, deficiency in micro- or macronutrients, wrong lifestyles, and primarily the synergy of two molecules, which in genetically predisposed individuals damage their hair follicles to the point of inhibiting or reducing the functionality of the follicles.

These two substances are:

  • dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is derived from the hormone testosterone
  • prostaglandins D2 (PGD2), which are mediators of inflammation

Their synergy damages follicles in genetically predisposed individuals.

What are the benefits of the Seffihair procedure in case of hair loss?

The tissue obtained with SEFFIHAIR® is extremely fluid and can be injected in a minimally invasive, painless procedure. The procedure, intended to stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss, enables autologous regenerative therapy using mesenchymal stem cells obtained from fatty tissue. The Seffihair procedure offers significant help to both men and women. The aim is to improve the quality and regrowth of hair and to make hair thicker. The results can be noticed after 4-6 months.

Androgenic alopecia or androgenic baldness - how to treat it?

Androgenic alopecia is a pathology that can be treated with a combined method, where regenerative medicine plays the most important part. The aim of regenerative medicine is to reactivate non-atrophic follicles (hair regrowth) and to treat weak follicles that cause hair thinning.

Care guidelines after the Seffihair procedure:

  • Do not shower for 24 hours.
  • Avoid exposure to sun for 1 week.


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